House Rules
The Valley Hunt Club is a social club with a strong family orientation. The dining, tennis, swimming, Sports Center, and other facilities are provided for the enjoyment and convenience of the Members. The Club provides a warm comfortable atmosphere, where Members may enjoy each other’s company or entertain friends with the knowledge that they are among others of similar interests. All attire worn by club members and guests should be conducive to the family environment and culture of the club. Neither political statements nor controversial graphics are considered suitable for the family atmosphere of the Club.
Cellular Phones, Laptops, and Digital Devices
Members and their guests are reminded that the use of cellular phones and laptops is not permitted anywhere in the Club except in private meeting rooms.
Members and Guests visiting the Club must conduct themselves with decorum at all times.
Animals are not permitted on Club property with the exception of certified service dogs. Emotional support or therapy dogs are not permitted on Club Property.